Fostering A Positive Business Culture: 5 Tips For Success


It is easy to identify those companies that have a positive business culture. They’ve created environments that allow their teams to be focused, driven, and innovative. Conversely, you won’t struggle to find those organizations that don’t have a positive culture. They often have high staff turnover, toxic leadership, and gossip and rumor run rampant.

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An antagonistic culture is often one of the leading causes of low employee engagement. It can also lead to lowered productivity within many organizations.

But how did they get to these places? Fostering a positive business culture starts with you and will be a crucial foundation as you build your company.

5 ways to Foster Positive Business Culture

1. Uncovering Potential Leadership Blind Spots

The first step to creating a positive business culture is identifying areas in need of improvement. Leadership blind spots are times when a leader is unaware of how their behavior can have a negative influence. They are missed opportunities to demonstrate behaviors that engage employees and motivate them to give their best efforts.

The first step to addressing these blind spots is to list specific examples of how we see others demonstrate leadership to your employees. According to a Dale Carnegie survey, the most important qualities employees look for in a supervisor include the ability to admit mistakes and demonstrate sincere appreciation, strong listening skills, and empathy for all points of view. Ask each leader to reflect on their management style and identify gaps.

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2. Transparent Communication

Employees should always be made to feel that their voice matters and carries value, as it’s the best way for them to be shown that their opinions actually affect how the company operates. Onboarding and initial training should provide new hires with a clear vision of what the company’s philosophy, mission, and values are, but it doesn’t hurt to occasionally remind veteran employees of what they’re working towards, apart from their salary.

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Building a system of transparent communication between employees and management also fosters trust and belonging in a work environment, as employees will be able to suggest ideas and provide constructive criticism to help the company grow as a whole. Again, this can only happen if workers feel as though their voices are being heard and that the company is taking tangible actions after listening to their advice.

Transparent communication can also prevent a lot of common workplace mishaps and misunderstandings.

3. Promote The Business’s Goals

In addition to setting departmental goals, make sure every employee is clear on the organization’s long-term objectives. This will help individuals cultivate a sense of professional purpose. Having a source of motivation beyond quarterly quotas will demonstrate the value each role has toward achieving the company’s mission.

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4. Establish A Strict Zero Tolerance Policy

Just as important as creating a welcoming environment is ensuring employees know their rights and individualities are protected within the workplace. A crucial facet of a positive work culture is providing employees with the opportunity to speak openly about issues they are facing in and outside of the office and have access to the support and resources they need. Make sure HR representatives have flexibility within their schedules to be available for personal conversations when needed, and consider implementing an anonymous sexual harassment hotline as a secure and private way for employees to report incidents in the workplace.

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5. Develop Resilience Across The Organization

Your organization is only as resilient as its people. If your team struggles to adapt and bounce back, so will your company. That’s why it’s important to develop organization-wide resiliency.

To develop resilience with confidence and positivity, start with yourself. It’s easy to become overwhelmed on Monday morning facing a weeks-worth of to-dos. Instead, take one day at a time. Dale Carnegie’s teachings directly address our ability to remain resilient in the face of uncertainty and stress: Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health and hope. Keep a positive attitude and lead your team by example.


Building a positive workplace culture has become one of the top priorities of companies, both big and small. We at Showbiztom challenge you to take a look at your leadership style, uncover any blind spots, and work continually to build trust, psychological safety and resilience in your organization.